Driving Into Old Age

As people age, it’s really hard to put the brake on driving. I hope I’ll know when to stop. But since I feel like I’m in my 30s now, when I’m over ninety, I’ll probably feel like I’m in my 60s. And sixty-year olds can drive just fine, right?

My father had problems with his neck as he aged. He couldn’t turn his head very easily. I’d be in the car with him and he’d say, “Is there anyone over in that lane behind us?” Yikes! I tried to figure any way I could not to be in the car with him driving.

My mother just restricted where she drove. She stayed in her “district”. That way there were no surprises. She could plan her route ahead and not have to worry about last minute lane changes and such.

I’m sure she got this plan from my grandmother. After my grandmother quit driving, my brother got her ’54 Plymouth Savoy. He said that he really enjoyed driving it, but that the steering wheel got kind of caught whenever turning it to the left. “Well,” she said, “that’s because I never turned left.”

She planned her entire outing making multiple right-hand turns. It is possible.

I certainly hope I’ll know when to hand over the keys. Otherwise, I’ll get an ever-increasing number of hints from my kids. If the hints don’t work, then it will be “the talk”- with or without the doctor or the DMV involved.

I have one friend who was concerned over having to have “the talk” with her mom. It’s hard. In our culture so much independence is connected with our ability to get around. And we get around mostly in our cars. This friend was about to start the process. And then it was taken out of her hands. Her mother backed into a car. It was a police car.

So, kids, when my turn comes, please give me plenty of license. Don’t speed things along too quickly. I’ll try to notice the signals. And when it really comes down to it, I’ll try to get into gear and not drive you all crazy.

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